Tai Po!!! March 1st, 2015

 Well I should've figured you all would already know that I got TRANSFERED! Haha too funny how close you are in contact with my members here.

It was sooooo hard leaving PFL! I was there for 8 whole months! I love that place, love every ward member so much -- yes, had a relationship with every, single, one -- and it was so hard leaving them so fast with so little time!

But, my companion is Sister Anderson!!! we went on exchanges just last transfer! She's only been on the island her whole mission too, so we were both stoked and shocked to find out that we are OPENING TAI PO!!!! woo!!! There hasn't been sisters there for years, so this is super exciting for us!!

We got to Tai Po, in Tolo Harbour -- SOO DIFFERENT. our chapel is HUGE! it's actually it's own building instead of inside another building. it has a basketball court too! and we even sit in pews, have a real piano, and there's practically a forest outside of the windows. it's SO AWESOME. our ward is GIANT. Bishop Chan already knows my new bishop, Bishop Cheung, so when we were at his house on wednesday night, he called him and warned him about me ;)

But wow, we love it here already. We live with the mandarin sisters in Tolo Harbour -- one from Taiwan and one from Korea. Sister Wu and Sister Kim. haha i sang them the chinese song you taught me dad and they FREAKED out -- "you sound chinese! you sound chinese! you need speak more! you speak more!!!" they are my favorite people in the world. on sunday night, we had a huge chinese meal together in our apt. love them.

but, right when Sister Anderson and I got to Tai Po, we hit the streets. WE LIVE IN OUR AREA!!! so we went down the elevator (we live on top of a bar! haha!), walked out, and the first person we talked to, stopped, listened; got her number, and share scriptures with her every night.

Tai Po. is. NOT. the. island. haha it's a land of MIRACLES! we are both so shocked every where we go.

There are a ton of mandarins here too, and people are in and out of main land like crazy, so since we live with the mandarins, we'll be workin on our mandarin ;)

well day 2 in Tai Po, we literally have NOTHING -- no area books, member books, or anything, so we met up with the elders at the church (which is a SEVEN MINUTE WALK! yeah! we love living in our area! no traveling!), and while we were there, the Mandarin Elders showed up with a woman they were about to teach. they realized she was from Gwong Jau (how do you spell it Dad???) so she actually speaks Cantonese! so right then and there, we got to teach her. she kept thanking us. saying how much she wants this. it was amazing. we then found out she's actually in the other ward, but still--so amazing to meet her!

then church came. gosh our ward is BOOMING! we have so many families! the mandarins also come to our ward, too. well, during church, we met 10000 new people, including Bobo. our new investigator. she works for... doTERRA!!!!!!! IM OBSESSED OVER HER. haha anyway, she's actually come to church 5 times already with her friends who work with her, and the elders only taught her once. so we taught her after church and she was sharing with us how she's been changed by her friend's example. she has always heard bad things about our church, so always stayed away. but then at work, she realized the Mormons were the ones who could speak really good English (yay for missions), who were really hard working (yay for missions), really productive, nice, successful, and charitable (yay for missions yay missions yay missions). so she came to church. and since then, she has been changed. she has found how God has changed her. she loves that we have modern revelation from God, and that we have high standards. she wants this so bad and  wants to take the lessons so she can answer her friends questions. we taught her -- i mean, she taught herself--the Restoration, and she's getting baptized April 19. SHE'S GETTING BAPTIZED!!!!

Her friend started crying in the end because she has also seen how much Bobo has changed already. I've never felt so right, so happy, so grateful in my life.

This gospel is true. God loves us so much. We are His children. He sent us to earth so we can become like Him. It is up to us to decide if we want to change or not. And He gave us the only way--through Jesus Christ.

I love this! Tai Po is on FIRE!

Love you!

Love, Sister Bosler

saying goodbye to members in PFL. love them SO much.

Oh my THANK YOU NATALIE AND STEPHANIE FOR THE BEST PACKAGE EVER!!! it came right during my move when i had no time to cook or anything THANK YOU!!! they are the BEST!!

saying goodbye to Gloria :( :( won't see her baptism! she's the greatest!!


dinner with my comp and roomies! :)

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